Demure Wen Jing
Date: 2024-04-25
Wen Jing was born on July 19, 2022. She is the cub of Wen Li. Wen Jing is a girl with a delicate and beautiful appearance, elegant and calm manners, and a gentle personality.
The clear sunlight hits the green sycamore leaves, and a gentle wind flows between the half-light and half-darkness. 
Climb to a high place, look up at the clouds flowing, look down at the flowers and trees sprouting, and wander around with your eyes filled with wonder, which is a joy to believe.
 One step, one look back.
 Every steady step, deep and shallow footprints, is the road to the future.
The bright light cleared the dim dawn, and at this moment, the morning dew had not yet dried up
 Move forward, move forward.
Just lie quietly and listen to the secret words of nature.
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